Top 5 Annoying phrases used by humanoids
1) ‘It’s raining cats & dogs’
– complete bloody nonsense
2) ‘A shaggy dog story’ – make up
your own jokes
3) ‘The Dog’s bollocks’ – highly
offensive, particularly if your privates were removed at an early age
4) ‘Don’t keep a dog and bark
yourself’ – I don’t understand this one at all, I am just a canine remember
5) ‘Man’s best friend!’ – yeah
sure – but only when it bloody well suits him
Top 5 Sports
1) Skiing
2) Snowboarding (Nintendo wii and dreams)
3) Triathlon (excluding the bike bit)
5) Eating chunks (my Gold medal event)
Top 5 TV Ads
Dulux; - no explanation required
Carlsberg; - probably
Andrex; - cute puppies obviously
4) Loreal;
- because I am worth it, no really
5) Herbal Essences; - I shouldn’t
like it, but I do
Top 5 Celebrity Dogs
1) Gromit
2) Scooby-Doo
3) Lassie
4) Toto
5) Spy-Dog