Friday, 1 June 2012

Pa and I have got a really, really busy weekend ahead.

The Queen and her grumpy old geezer are coming round for tea tonight - Pa probably won't be bothered to cook so I'm guessing fish 'n chips as it's Friday.  If he decides to splash out it might be Indian takeaway, but I'm not too sure if they like Indian . . .

Tomorrow night Pa's out on the lash with Harry - it could be a late one I reckon, it could get messy I suspect . . . I'm staying in and keeping a low profile.

On Sunday we're going out with William and his gorgeous young wife, I think a picnic is likely but it apparently depends on the weather - I think we all really ought to eat something, especially Kate.  If it rains we might end up at KFC, but we'll see . . .

On Monday the Queen's got a busy day I'm told so I'm dog-sitting the Corgis' !  Just my bloody luck, a pack of rowdy little fellas - just bloody great, Thanks!

This is what Pa's got planned, I was just hoping for a quiet Jubilee weekend, but hey - go with the flow I say . . .
Have a good one,  Simon Gotobed, Royal Correspondent, xx.