Friday 9 December 2011

Something really weird happened last night - we had a delivery... A van turned up right outside our front door (which now has foliage & ribbons on it I noticed?)and Pa was obviously expecting it, although this has never happened before. The guy in the van carried boxes to our door and Pa then took loads of bags out of the boxes into our kitchen - our shopping had magically arrived. When the man in the van left Pa didn't even pay him - FREE magic shopping! It must be nearly Christmas, although as I haven't got an advent calendar (thanks!)I'm not sure of the date, but I soon sniffed out a bag full of crisps, pringles and nuts; and another bag stuffed with chocolates and biscuits, so it must be soon. Maybe the guy in the van is a modern-day Santa? But without a white beard or red suit... I do love Christmas - and pringles - and chocolates...