Wednesday 29 February 2012

Happy Leap-Year Day everyone!

I'm keeping a low profile today, staying indoors all day in fact, just in case I see any hottie-dogs who want to ask me awkward questions . . .

Safety first I think, life's far too complicated already.

Have a great day yourselves, xx.

P.S;  If u do see me u won't recognise me in my disguise - I can't tell u what or that would give the game away - I might reveal all tomorrow, if I remember . . .

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Unfortunately I don't have a mobile phone - they're not ideally designed these days for big hairy paws - apparently back in the 80's they were much better?!

Anyway, Pa has one, maybe two I'm not sure, but he keeps saying he wants it to get 'hacked' ???

Apparently it can be very lucrative . . . Pa reckons he could get thousands of pounds if his phone does get hacked??  As usual, I have no idea what he's talking about - even as a student of humanoid behaviour, they still make little sense to me . . .

Have a brill day, I hope u get 'hacked'!?  xx.

Monday 27 February 2012

Did u watch the Oscars last night?

No, me neither, fell asleep way too early. but I did hear the snooze on the radio this morning - apparently The Artist won 5 Oscars !  Brill news for the little fella - Uggie - I've seen him on the goggle-box snooze.  I'm v jealous of his celebrity status. . . maybe one day . . .

Time for a kip, have a great day, me.  xx.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Of course I'm a real footy fan !  I'll be watching the Premier League this weekend - watching my team, Manchester . . . I just wish I could remember if it was United or City . . .

Have a fab weekend,  Simon G,  xx.

Friday 24 February 2012

We might be moving house again it seems - maybe even going abroad? - but apparently not to Syria !!

I really don't know where Pa gets all these mad ideas from - he probably does watch too many Channel 4 shows - he's a big fan of Kirstie & Phil ! - I hope he doesn't enlist their help, it would be so embarrassing . . . but if he can get Kevin McLoud onside I'm definitely up for a Grand Design !

I think we maybe both watch too much television . . . Bye for now, I'm off for a kip - Under the Hammer's on soon I think ?! 
Simon G,  Canine Property Developer??  xx.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Pa's giving up on ABC for Lent ??

Alcohol, bread & chocolate apparently . . .

I don't drink beer, I'm rarely offered a sandwich & thankfully I'm not religious !  So I'm still happy - just thought I'd keep u in the loop!?  Catch u soon,  Simon G - roll on Easter I say!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pa was chief pancake-maker and scoffer last night - he ate 7 ! - I just got thrown a few leftovers? . . . life is so unfair, especially when humanoids are involved.

On a brighter note I did get to see most of the Brits on the tv - I'm now madly & deeply in love with Adele . . . and Bruno Mars . . . life is so complicated.  I don't know which way to turn.  xx.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

This happens only once each humanoid year - Pa has bought 3 juicy Oranges!  -  I know they're oranges because I had a quick lick & sniff last night after he'd gone to bed - and they're orange coloured of course - I'm not a stupid fella u know!?

This can only mean one thing - it's only bloody well Pancake Day!!!

I'm so excited about tonight now, and the Brits are on the goggle-box!  Life doesn't get much better . . .
I think I need a lie-down. 
Catch u soon,  Simon G, Champion pancake-scoffer, xx.

Monday 20 February 2012

Hello everyone - it's Monday!  The start of a brand new, exciting week - not the countdown to the weekend!?

How was your weekend by the way?  Mine was great - fun, fun & more fun!!

Today's Tip - Enjoy every day, not just the one's beginning with S . . .

Do u like my new positivity?  Yeah, me too - I hope it lasts - I'm sure it will.  Bye for now, xx.

Friday 17 February 2012

It really is nearly the weekend - if you've been listening to the radio they've been on the countdown since Tuesday! But today is Friday, so I think it's now nearly official!

FA Cup footy tomorrow - brill!

Should be sunny on Sunday, so hopefully I'll be out - depending on the humanoids condition of course - can he be arsed to take me to the park? - maybe yes, maybe no - it seems to depend on the number of beers drunk on Saturday night . . . I wouldn't understand of course, being a tee-total canine?!

Anyway, have a fab weekend, Simon G,  xx.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Me & Pa watched tv again last night, and yeah Pa did feel like crying again - we watched Arsenal - the less said the better perhaps . . .  I'm a proud Old English fella of course, but luckily I fell asleep and didn't watch much of it.

It's the manager I feel really sorry for, I mean after changing your first name by deed poll just to get the job in the first place, to get noticed, and not to have enough money for all the letters to complete the name, quite sad really. 

Bye for now, more footy on the goggle-box tonight!?  xx.

(P.S;  Sending all our love to Arsene Wenger, x.)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

We watched The Bodyguard on ITV2 last night - a brill film in my humble opinion - Pa cried a bit at one point, but I managed to keep a stiff upper lip.  We're both big Whitney fans, or we were . . .

Footy is on the goggle-box tonight so I assume Pa will be in a better mood, I'll watch it if I can, that's to say if I'm allowed in the lounge again after last night's little 'incident'?!

I won't go into the details, just to say Pa was far from impressed, I was a tad embarressed, and maybe it's just my age, I don't know . . . Forgive & forget hopefully.

Have a lovely dry day,  Simon G,  XX.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines Day everyone !

Short & sweet today as far too busy opening all my cards !!  -  Ha-bloody-ha! - I wish. . . just been sulking all day actually & feeling sorry for myself. . .

But hey - tomorrow's another day! - hopefully a much nicer one. 
Bye, x.x. 
Simon G (obviously un-loved).

Monday 13 February 2012

'My Name is not Susan'.

Hi, my name is Simon Gotobed, I had a really weird lyrical dream last night - I'd been listening to the wonderful Whitney pretty much all day . . .

In the dream I was no longer me, but a beautiful young woman with everything to live for, it was 'So Emotional', - 'Not Right but Okay'.
I met a fabulous man, the man of my dreams, and we're out all night in New York City.  I was 'The Queen of the Night' yet in my reality 'I Have Nothing'.  It's all so confusing, life can be so complicated.
I asked my dream-man 'How Will I Know' ?  He smiled and replied gently, Susan, 'You Give Good Love', in fact, 'The Greatest Love of All'.
It was just 'One Moment in Time' of course, not my reality.
In the dream 'I'm Every Woman', but I'm usually thinking 'Where do Broken Hearts Go'?
When we reached the club for some unknown reason I said 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Who Loves Me'. . . a cry for help. . .
He smiled again and whispered in my ear - 'I've Been Saving All My Love for You' - 'I Will Always Love You'.

Then I woke up, beaming from ear to ear, so alive and well.  The songs will live on forever, they make so many, so happy.  xx.

Friday 10 February 2012

Weekly Snooze Review.

Snow, snow, snow, walking, DOI, footy postponed, Chelsea 3, H Webb, Man Utd 3, ice, work, Heathrow, Harry, Rosie, Milan, Sky Sports, forecasts, Davina, Euromillions, Biggest Loser, Notts, Olympics, Revenue 0, freedom, England 1, Russia, Oil, Syria, Fabio, Harry, Carlsberg, sleet, ice storms, lamb roast, New, Facebook, Twitter, RBS, #FF, Barclays, Snow-Snow-Snow.

I'm knackered! - what a week, confusion reigns in the canine world.  Simon G,  xx. 

Thursday 9 February 2012

Just heard on the radio that all Dogs may have to be micro-chipped !?!
How the hell am I ging to fit into a microwave???

More confused than usual,  Simon G,  x.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Pa was listening to 'the Snooze' on R2 this morning and now he reckons there's going to be another Falklands War !?

I have no idea why he's come to this worrying conclusion, & I certainly have no idea what it's got to do with the Curry House in Eastenders . . .?

Luckily I have 4 big flat feet, so I'm not too worried about a call-up.
Anyway, have a fab day, keep warm & be safe !?  Simon G,  xx.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Bloody hell it's fffffreezzzing this morning ! !

I knew it would be of course, I watched 9 forecasts yesterday.  They all said the same?!  Funny that . . .

I'm going to watch some more today, just in case, and anyway the tv is crap on a Tuesday.  Even Sky Sports News are struggling to find a new story this week?!

Going for a kip, boring day. . . xx.

Monday 6 February 2012

Big, big mistake - I ate a lump of cheese for supper again last night, a treat after our Snow-day !

I dreamt I was offered a film part, I took it and we rehearsed, but then near the end I found out it was The Full Monty !!!  There I was, stood tall on my back legs, very hairy, just a hat in one paw . . .

Thankfully I woke up just before the finale.
For a boy who had his balls removed at an early age this was a huge relief . . .

Today's aim - eat less cheese & destroy the Snowman in our back garden.

Have a great cheese-free day, Simon G,  xx.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow ! !

Fantastic Sunday - been snowboarding with Pa - he used the board to be fair, I just played 'Polar Bears' on my own - but still great fun.  Now going home to get dry and snuggle up in my bed/basket.

Might have a go at snowboarding on the Wii tonight if I get a chance . . .

Bye, Simon G, xx.

Friday 3 February 2012

Bloody hell it's cold, I'm home alone and they've turned the heating off - typical humanoid neglect!

I saw the forecast for the weekend and it looks like SNOW - Hurrah!!  I'm lovin' it . . .

Luckily I wear a full hairy-furry coat from wet-nose to tail-tip - u should get one!?  Very comfortable at this time of year (very hot, itchy & sweaty in the Summer), but u could always take yours off I guess . . .

Have a brill weekend, me.  xx.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Just whacked the radio on & Steve Wright came on, must be R2.  On his factoids bit he reckons a Dog lived to the age of 29 dog-years ( 203 Humanoid years! ) - this is brilliant snooze, basically I'm still a puppy! 

I'm off to the garden to do some extra bouncing to celebrate!  This is great news, but a bit worrying as I'm always knackered . . . I thought it was my age . . . what if it's something more serious?  Oh bugger.  I might need a lie down first.
Happy Groundhog Day! 

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day!

me, xx.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Transfer Deadline came and went - not that exciting at all afterall the fuss - not even any fireworks at the end!?  I fell asleep watching Sky Sports News about 10.30pm and then missed MOTD too - all a bit of an anti-climax . . .

However, I see this morning that my new team - Manchester City, lost!  So I've decided to switch to Man Utd as they won - I like to be associated with winners, don't u ?  So I'm now a 'Red' it seems, for now anyway, we'll see how it goes.  I'm a proper supporter u know, just a bit new to it all ! 

Simon G,  xx, (Forever? Red).

I'll be kissing badges next . . .