Thursday 22 March 2012

My Wednesday evening turned out to be great!

Walkies to the park when Pa got home from work;  then I avoided the soaps on the google-box for an hour;  then we watched Four Rooms on Channel 4 - brill but v.weird humanoids;  then The Apprentice - I'm sure I've seen his before - exactly the same but with different background music?;  then we watched Snooze at Ten and Pa said, 'The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away again' - he was getting tired by this point;  then we didn't win the Lottery;  then we watched MOTD and Pa said it was very exciting but I fell asleep about half way thru'.  Then we went to bed.

What did u lot get upto??? 

Simon Gotobed,  a Busy 4-legged Fella,  xx.