Thursday 31 January 2013

We watched 'Africa' last night on the goggle-box, Pa's got a new one but he has to wear weird specs to watch it ! ?  They must work well, he nearly fell off the sofa several times within the hour . . . I think he thought that he was actually in Africa at one point . . .

I wasn't offered the special specs - I may be man's best friend, but I'm obviously not important enough to be considered - I thought the picture was average at best . . . I think he's wasted his money to be honest.  Anyway, I reckon I've got perfect vision, it's just my fringe and floppy ears that get in the way sometimes.

I don't suppose he'll ask me for my opinion, he never does . . . typical humanoid !

Simon Gotobed, 20/20, Advert & Weather Forecast Specialist,  xx.

P.S;  'The Dog-Blog & Ziggy's Nine Lives' is still on Ebay & Amazon, and still only £4.99 !  A bargain apparently . . .