Thursday 14 February 2013

The Dog-Blog - Happy Valentine's Day.

The two cards are both addressed to Pa, this is odd, even to me, but clearly more so to Ma.  I'm his best friend and unsure of my leaning, but I didn't send him a card, that would be just weird and anyway I can't lick a stamp without swallowing it, never mind having to buy it, write it, put it into an envelope and post it.
. . .
Pa usually only swears to misbehaving kitchen and/or garden appliances, certainly not to Ma.  I'm no marriage guidance councillor but I don't think that's the end of it.  Ma then storms off without uttering a word to Pa, me, or even the goldfish.  Pa has a quick strong coffee before leaving, and again not a word.  I've seen these scenes on television, on the soaps usually (I'm not a fan but you sometimes can't avoid them if you don't own the remote control), they usually end in tears and then alcohol abuse.  I hope Pa doesn't hit the bottle or I'll have to give him a good talking to.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Simon Gotobed, extract from his paperback, still only £4.99!  2013 Bestseller???   xx.