Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Snooze - I watched the late snooze with Pa last night - I like to keep up to speed with what's happening in the big wide world u know.  Apparently our economy is a little less inflated, Italy is forming a new government and the Euro is still in crisis... I don't really know what all this means but Pa says the country's 'gone to the dogs' which sounds fine to me and being a bit less inflated sounds like it might be a good thing!

On the sports front Pa says we're basically now Football World Champions, having beaten Spain and Sweden - conkers rules apply he reckons...
I did hear on the sports-snooze that our footy team was 'new England' - again I don't know what this involves but it's all very confusing for an Old English fella like me.
I'm not a footy fan anyway, I'm more of a winter-sports enthusiast.